Wednesday 2 November 2016

3 days of FUN(damentals)

I've spent the last 3 days running Mountaineering Scotland FUNdamentals 1,2 and 3 of climbing workshops for Glenmore Lodge. We had nice full courses and participants ranging from teenage climbers interested in understanding their own and peers' movement to an experienced British Mountain Guide.
Day 1 introduces the concept of a lifelong approach to physical development and the windows of opportunity for helping people attain a level of physical literacy. Then there is lots of work on: warmups, 1 dimensional movement (rockers on slabs essentially) and the use of handholds and footholds. A busy dynamic day.
Day 2 takes the movement onto verticals and looks at twisting, flagging, drop knees and methods of breaking down body position using the position of the centre of gravity against the base of support. Lots of concepts to get the head around today.
Day 3 is when it gets really steep with more advanced applications of technique, 3 D movement, the biomechanics of movement on steep ground, dynamic movement and developing an understanding of these areas to enable us to coach them. Lots of outside the box thinking from the team today on how to clarify these concepts.
3 full, busy and intense days for myself and Nathan who was working with me and lots of ideas for the participants to take away and develop.
Lots more pictures and captions on Facebook.

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